Habibur Rahman

Software Engineer


PHP, Laravel, PostgreSQL, Redis

I'm backend developer (Part time) in Rabbapps Inc. I'm responsible for integrating 3rd party API, managing text messages, call and monitoring backend server for ExtraaNumber.


Python, Django Rest

Online market place API for Onekkom. Specially worked on email queue service and sales management for product owner.

Ticket Chai (Air)

Ruby, Ruby on Rails

Created solution for air ticket claim processing workflow of the company. Created event and tour management solution. R&D on Sabre API's workflow.

Ticket Chai (Event)

PHP, Laravel

It's event management solution for the company. I have used here laravel framework. And created advanced admin panel with Admin Lte template.


PHP, Laravel

It's a android app store. I was there as a web developer. I have integrated GP Wallet payment API for premium apps. I also have created advanced admin panel for AppBajar.


PHP, Laravel, Facebook Account Kit

Pharma71 is a online medicine delivery system in Dhaka. It takes orders trough the web application and mobile app and deliver medicine within 4 hour in Dhaka by courier service. For user login I have used facebook account kit.


PHP, Laravel

Dancebody is dancer-turned-instructors moving your body in new ways and working muscles you didn’t know existed. Our workout combines dance-inspired cardio and toning set to motivating music — we don't do boring. Every move is delivered with tough love because we know what you’re capable of.


PHP, Laravel

BuzzAlly is a mobile marketing tool which connects end consumer to a brand with a simple missed call, empowering brands with powerful analytics.


PHP, Laravel, Angular 4

Pettycash is a small financial management solution.